A Wiser World

A Wiser World is a project that aims to help us make our lives and societies better by developing an understanding of the world from the most fundamental laws or facts of a topic, called first principles.

What is A Wiser World?

A Short Introduction 
First Principles – A Brief History
The Origins of A Wiser World 
The Roadmap to A Wiser World

The First Principles of Wisdom

What is Wisdom?
     Defining Information, Knowledge and Wisdom
     What Does it Mean to Lead a Good Life?
     A First Principles Framework of Wisdom
     Reasoning from First Principles
How Do We Acquire Wisdom?
Teaching Wisdom
What The First Principles of Wisdom Mean for A Wiser World

The First Principles of Psychology

The Mind-Brain Principle
The Entities of Psychology: Stimulus, Response and Relation

Latest updates

22 Nov 2023: The article “The Entities of Psychology: Stimulus, Response and Relation” was added
For an overview of all the updates on A Wiser World, check out the changelog.

How You Can Support A Wiser World

No matter who you are, there are ways you can support this project and become part of the A Wiser World community! For example, you can support it by telling others about A Wiser World, by sharing your own ideas on how to improve this project, and also by supporting it financially.

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