How To Support A Wiser World

1 Spreading the word
2 Contributing ideas or work
3 Financial contribution

1 Spreading the word

The purpose of A Wiser World is to help people understand themselves and the world. For AWW to be able to help people they need to know about it. So one of the most important things you can do to support AWW is to tell other people about it. You could do this either by speaking about AWW to friends, family, neighbors, colleagues, strangers. You could also post about AWW on social media. If you do this it can be useful to not just share a link to the website but also say something about what AWW is or what you think about it.

2 Contributing ideas or work

For AWW to reach its full potential people from all around the world need to collaborate to keep improving and expanding AWW.  This could be anything from pointing out a typo on the website to giving a detailed account of a little known research field that is of relevance to a certain topic.

suggest improvement in layout and functionality
help with video editing
help find good sources for things that are claimed
contribute artwork
share research or philosophical arguments that argue against something claimed on AWW, or that supports the claim
share your thoughts
give encouraging words!
provide technical solutions for the website
provide feedback on things you find unclear or complicated
point out typo on the website

Please join the email group for A Wiser World!
You can also leave comments in the google docs that are linked at the bottom of each page.
Or share your thoughts on the Youtube channel or on Patreon.

3 Financial contribution

Contributing financially to the project, even if it is just a small amount, can make a big difference for the project to succeed. In the spirit of radical openness there is also full transparency regarding what the money is used for and why, so that you can know exactly what your contribution does for the project.

The initial goal:
-to pay for expenses regarding services and equipment in the project
-to make it possible for Emil Alexander to spend more time on the project (eventually quitting his job and working full time on A Wiser World).

The secondary goal:
Hiring co-workers.

Visit Patreon
Visit Youtube membership

Page-ID: 3

This page is version 1.0. It has not yet been reviewed by the global community. Do you want to help improve it? Please leave a comment in the google document for this page, or join the email group to be part of the discussion.  You can always share your thoughts via email directly to

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