Project One – An Overview

Project One is about finding the first principles of psychology (i.e. a unified theory of psychology), and thus explaining all of psychology using this set of principles.

The plan

Goal 1: Write a summary of the unified theory version 1.0.

Why? The only way to understand the principles is to see how they connect. When looking at just one principle at a time, it is possible to come up with a lot of alternative hypotheses. It is only when we see the whole picture that we understand why the principles must be the way they are.

Goal 2: Explain the prediction and learning theory in detail

Why? The most central question in finding the first principles of psychology is figuring out which stimulus-response relations are innate, and which are learnt. It is only possible to answer this question accurately if we understand how new relations are learnt. Therefore, the prediction and learning principles will be in focus at the initial stage of the project. The prediction and learning theory is also the most advanced theory in the set of first principles of psychology, and so it is important to put in the effort to get it exactly right.

Goal 3: Explain the other first principles in more detail

Why? Before moving on to explain all fields of psychology from first principles, it is important that the reader really understand the first principles. For this reason, we must explain these principles in a way that is easily understood and accepted. Probably what will be of greatest importance is making sure that the definitions and properties of stimuli, responses and relations are adequate. And emotional innate stimulus-response relations will probably also be extra important.

Goal 4: Explaining language

Why? Our ability to use language expands our psychological capabilities to such a degree that it can seem magical. Without a proper understanding of how language works and can be explained from first principles, we will be prone to question all other principles and theories of psychology.

Goal 5: Explaining the rest of the major branches of psychology

Why? In order to show that the first principles are correct, we need to go through all major areas of psychology and look at the research in those areas.

Project status

A first version of a unified theory of psychology has been created, including the basic units and the most fundamental laws of psychology. Now we are awaiting feedback from the global community. There are areas of the theory that are not 100% complete, and there are things that may be inaccurate or even wrong. In order to move on, and look at the next parts of the project, we must first see whether the first principles are accurate enough for it to be worth building on these to explain other areas of psychology.

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