Project Zero – An Overview

Project Zero is about finding the first principles of wisdom.

Project status:

A first version has been presented with the first principles regarding the questions of what wisdom is, and how to acquire it, although there may still be room for some adjustments. It may also be necessary to establish principles that build on these, for example to see how we can establish the scientific methods within different branches of science.

Currently, this project is waiting for feedback from the global community. It could be the case that a lot of the content needs to be revised.

Page-ID: 9

This page is version 1.0. It has not yet been reviewed by the global community. Do you want to help improve it? Please leave a comment in the google document for this page, or join the email group to be part of the discussion.  You can always share your thoughts via email directly to Read more about how you can support A Wiser World.

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